What Content Does Your Website Need?

Picture of Robert Lee

Robert Lee

Owner & Designer
of Cheerful Media

If you don’t have a list of “ready answers” to commonly asked questions, now is the time to create one.

It’s safe to say that your website is your “Secret Salesman” providing information to the regularly asked questions people have about your business, services, products and mission.

If you don’t have a list of “ready answers” to commonly asked questions, now is the time to create one.

I’m sure that the first 10 or so questions and answers won’t be hard to write down. The next hundred or so is where you need to really put the effort into exploring what your customers want to know and what is the best way to get those answers to them.

Let’s start with the most common details you need to have on your website.

  • Business Mission: What is it that you do? Can you describe this in under 30 words? Will someone from outside your industry quickly understand your offering and mission?
  • Location: this needs to go beyond a simple address, provide a map, directions and landmarks so people can easily identify your place as they approach it.
  • Contact Details: Phone number, email address, text messaging, WhatsApp… the list goes on for the ways you can be contacted. Do you need every contact method available? Probably not. But you certainly should be aware of what your industry and customers consider as standard contact methods.
  • Products/services: This is what your website visitors want to know, even before they decide to give you their business. Do you need every product and service described in-depth on your website? This answer will vary depending on how your “ready answers” list came together, and what specifically your business activities are.

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